Thursday, September 26, 2013

Would you read my Big Data book?

As you my know, I am pretty critical of the "big data" hype in the information technology media.  One of my criticisms is the very term "big data".  Frankly, I hate the term as much as I hate the outrageous claims that are out there.

I prefer to talk about distributed systems which is really the differentiator in this space, in my humble [ref] degrees of humility can easily be argued[/ref] opinion.

As I researched distributed systems (DS), I came across a topic that struck a chord with my passion for data quality.  The topic was the CAP Theorem and notion of eventual consistency.  At this point, I am becoming obsessed with the notion of eventual consistency.

As a result, I am convinced I need to write a book on the topic and its implications on deploying distributed systems to a business and its decisions.

However, before I get too far down the line, I want to know is ...

would you read my book about eventual consistency and how that would impact a distributed system's ability to aid in the process of making business decisions?

Please vote and let me know!
[polldaddy poll=7427832]

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What data quality is (and what it is not)

Like the radar system pictured above, data quality is a sentinel; a detection system put in place to warn of threats to valuable assets. ...