Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Edition - An Introduction

As the name implies, I want this blog to be a chronicle of data quality.  The process of data quality not just the concept.  The process from project kick-off to implmentation and each step in between. 
I intend on recording my experiences on data quality initiatives in order to present a body of evidence regarding the opportunities and challenges that exist as part of data quality initiatives.   I'll also be polling the community in an attempt to gather a comprehensive list these opportunities and challenges.  With each post I'll try to, both directly and indirectly, address one of the items on the list.  The intent will be to gather enough information to provide a guideline or map to help those interested in data quality improvements.

Before we dive head-long into this effort, let me take a few minutes to explain how I got here.  I am a technology follower who has been fortunate enough to embed technology into my life as a career.  I have been a consultant to Fortune 500 clients for over 12 years spanning all aspects of software development from quality assurance testing to business intelligence.  My latest technology fascination involves master data management and data quality.  I'm also a devote follower of internet technologies, specifically as it relates to the internet as a platform for learning/intelligence and data management.   The organization of unstructured data and its use in corporate strategy will definitely make the list!  My primary role on initiatives is as an analyst.  At times I focus on business problems and facilitate solutions.  Other times I am a data miner, searching for answers to critical questions.

Stay tuned for my next post! In the meantime, stop by the polling page and participate!


  1. Congratulations on the launch of DQ Chronicle. I agree with you and believe that many of us have been exposed to a whole bunch of different "data quality" challenges over the years as it relates to customer and product information. Best of luck. (Peter Benza)

  2. William,

    Welcome to the data quality blogosphere!

    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts and voting in your polls.

    I have also added your blog to my blogroll.

    Best Regards...

    Jim Harris

  3. William

    On behalf of myself and the IAIDQ I also welcome you to the world of the bloggers.

    I'll be adding you to the various IAIDQ blogrolls (and my personal one) later today.



What data quality is (and what it is not)

Like the radar system pictured above, data quality is a sentinel; a detection system put in place to warn of threats to valuable assets. ...